8 incredible lecturers and more than 150 high school students: results of the TeenEd: Personal Safety for Teenagers event

Sept. 5, 2023, 11:03 a.m.

On August 21, a long-awaited project was launched by the Education Department of the Development Department of the Lviv City Council in partnership with the UCU Center for Child Dignity. This is the first project dedicated to the topic of safety for teenagers. During the event, children had the opportunity to attend lectures on the psychology of relationships, health, legal measures, information hygiene, self-defense against abuse, and more. The value of this project lies in the opportunity for teenagers to communicate openly about topics of concern and gain important knowledge from experts that will help protect themselves from many risks and create a comfortable and safe environment.

Yaryna Pikulytska, a doctor, pediatrician, and founder of the Vulyk Family Outpatient Clinic, shared her thoughts on participating in the forum: "It is necessary to talk to teenagers about their safety, health and sexuality. The format of such communication from the UCU Center for the Dignity of the Child and the Department of Education is ideal and promotes very cool interaction between doctors, educators, public figures, and government officials to build a conscious and good society."

"We have so affectionately named the forum, but it is a big step in the dialog with children about what we call sexuality education. I am grateful to the partners, participants, parents who let go and realized that the entrance is for children only. I dream of a parent-child-teacher triangle in matters of sexual education and violence prevention. To be continued." - summarized the event the head of the Center for Child Dignity Khrystyna Shabat.

"It was very interesting and useful. I heard a lot of valuable information, it was comfortable to listen to the experts. I felt that they were interested in helping teenagers. As a result, I was in a good mood and went home with a smile on my face," commented a high school student from Lviv.

Another participant of the event left her feedback: "The atmosphere of UCU is incredible! It was very comfortable to sit at the lectures, I liked the speakers very much. All of them are talented, intelligent, and friendly. I was impressed by their openness and frankness, they were happy to hear questions and wanted to really help, not just do the job for show. I learned a lot of new things. The most interesting for me was the lecture on Internet safety. I thought I already knew everything about it, but it turned out I didn't."

Follow the news of our center, because soon we will tell you what new opportunities for educators to implement a safe environment in schools we have created together with the Department of Education.