Additional online course "First psychological aid (FPA) in the family doctor's office (according to the WHO protocol)"

Format: online
Date registration: open access

We are pleased to announce the launch of our new course "First Psychological Aid (FPA) in the Family Doctor's Office (WHO Protocol)", which is available on the NHS Academy platform and is a continuation of the course "Monitoring and Management of Sexual Violence Cases in Different Age Groups in the Practice of Primary Care Physicians".

What is the course about?

After completing this module, you will be able to better build communication with patients in a state of severe distress. You will also get information on how to find a safe approach to the victim for yourself and others, how to act in a psychological first aid situation safely for yourself and others without causing harm.

The course was prepared by Iryna Nomerovska, a certified first aid trainer according to WHO standards.

Upon completion of the course, a certificate equal to 2 CPD points is issued.

Who is it for?

This module will be useful and interesting for both family practitioners and all those who provide medical care to people who have experienced an extremely stressful situation.

A few questions and answers about the course:

- No, this module is available to both family practitioners and all those who provide medical care to people who have experienced an extremely stressful situation.

- No, please note that this can be done both separately and after completing the course. All you need to do is follow the link in the profile header and start the course.

- Yes, upon completion of this course, a certificate equal to 2 CPD points is issued.

Terms of participation: free of charge.

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