“Monitoring and managing cases of sexual and domestic violence in the practice of primary care physicians” (COURSE)

Format: online
Duration: 7 weeks
Date registration: open access

What is this course about?

During the war, Ukraine faced the rise of one of the most despicable crimes against humanity - sexual violence. Sometimes, a family doctor is the only one to learn about abuse (either on the home front or in the combat zone).

The Child Dignity Center at the Ukrainian Catholic University, commissioned by the National Health Service of Ukraine with the support of the World Bank Ukraine and the Embassy of Switzerland in Ukraine, designed an online course for family doctors to meet the need of preparing for new challenges - “Monitoring and Managing Cases of Sexual Violence in Different Age Groups in the Practice of Primary Care Physicians”.

During the course, you will:

Upon completing the course, you will receive a certificate equal to 5 CPD points.

This course is designed for:

Primary care physicians.

Terms of participation: free of charge.

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