Format: Online
Duration: 2 hours

A unique international art project created by experts from 6 countries: Poland, Hungary, Ukraine, Slovakia, Czech Republic, and Croatia. In all these countries, the topic of prevention of sexual abuse in the church is equally relevant. Therefore, together, six countries, we have developed material in seven working languages: English, Polish, Ukrainian, Croatian, Hungarian, Slovak, and Czech - to bring the issue of prevention of sexual abuse as close as possible to the listeners of each country. At the same time, looking for a non-standard presentation of such a complex topic, we invited Ulyana Krekhovets, a Ukrainian icon painter and artist, to develop the visuals for the course in her own sketch style.

The course material consists of basic issues that every member of a church institution should be aware of. It covers the basics: the concept of violence, the factors that cause it, its impact on minors, how we can recognize an abuser and respond appropriately. Steps we can take to prevent violence in the church environment, who is responsible for it, and how to check whether we are doing a good job of keeping children safe. The course is aimed at bishops, archbishops, metropolitans, priests, seminarians, religious, and lay people who either work directly with children or have influence on decision-making in the church.

Course structure 

Authors of the course

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Ivanka Rudakevych, coordinator of projects and programs at the Center for the Dignity of the Child at UCU (Ukraine)
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с. Judit Szentes SSS, pedagogical expert in the field of protection of minors, responsible for Catholic education in Hungary (Hungary)
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Marina Šijaković, religion teacher, former secretary of the Croatian Bishops' Conference Commission for the Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Persons (Croatia)
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с. Agnieszka Eva Jarkowska SCdSC, organizes courses and conducts formations on the protection of minors for monks, clergy, and laity. Works with victims (Slovakia)
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о. Marek František Drabek O. Praem, spiritual director, accompanies victims of sexual abuse by clergy and monks, and lectures on the protection of minors.
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Marta Dalgiewicz, coordinator of internal and external communication projects at the Office of the Delegate of the Polish Bishops' Conference for the Protection of Children and Youth (Poland)

With this course, Ukraine initiates a movement towards important discussions on violence prevention at 6 local levels of the Catholic Church simultaneously. At the same time, it is an opportunity to talk about the experience of creating a safe environment for children of the Catholic Church in Eastern Europe at the international level.

Related opportunities


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Additional online course "First psychological aid (FPA) in the family doctor's office (according to the WHO protocol)"

The course is available on the NHS Academy platform and is a continuation of the course for doctors "Monitoring and management of sexual violence in different age groups in the practice of primary care physicians".