“Sexual violence in ukraine: from awareness to protection” (TRAINING SESSION)

Format: online
Duration: 2 hours

What is this opportunity about?

In 2021, the Child Dignity Center conducted a study on sexual violence in Ukraine for the first time. Although Ukraine is one of the top three producers of child pornography in the world, there has been no official data on the number of victims of sexual violence adults experienced as children in the Ukrainian context.

As part of this training session, we can share the research results with your organisation and jointly reflect on them in the most relevant way. The research consists of two parts:

Here are some data based on the research results:

46% of Ukrainians would like to introduce sex education in schools for children under 8. 80% support the introduction of sex education for children aged nine and older, and 92% support the introduction of such lessons from the age of 14. You can learn more about the study here.

This training session is designed for:

Organisations working with children, human rights organisations.

Terms of participation: free of charge.

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