
We have collected information on all training and project opportunities you can use on this page. For your convenience, we sorted them per topic, type, and target audience. After reviewing this page, we recommend visiting the Resources tab for additional materials. You can also submit a request for a webinar/training session on a topic of your interest.
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Algorithm for responding to violence in the church environment

The scheme provides guidance on how to respond if the abuser is an employee/volunteer in the church, as well as a person from other fields
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Norms of behavior for children’s christian camps

A basic document on child safety for organizers, volunteers, animators who conduct children's camps
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Guide for parishes on safeguarding

For those who serve in parishes - priests, religious, lay people - to help them create a safe environment for minors and vulnerable people
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“Sexual violence in Ukraine” (RESEARCH)

Ukraine's first study on childhood sexual abuse
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13 steps towards children’s safety

An informative poster for children and adults that can be placed at school, in a room, in an organization's premises
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Main documents regarding the abuse of minors used by the UGCC

Documents issued by the Apostolic See on the protection of minors and vulnerable adults from sexual abuse in the Church