“Sexual violence in Ukraine” (RESEARCH)

UCU’s Child Dignity Center and the Fama research agency conducted the first sociological study in Ukraine, “Sexual Violence in Ukraine: From Awareness to Protection” (2021). The results showed the experience of Ukrainians in the context of violence experienced in childhood, the reactions of adults, refuted or confirmed myths, and also projected a socially acceptable model of sex education for Ukraine.

Important points:

The study has been translated into English and Polish. You can download the respective files below. We also recommend viewing the research reflection in the video resources.

Download (in Ukrainian) Download (in English) Download (in Polish)

Related resources

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Algorithm for responding to violence in the church environment

The scheme provides guidance on how to respond if the abuser is an employee/volunteer in the church, as well as a person from other fields
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“Child-friendly church. Directions for self-assessment” FORM

It can be used to analyze in detail the work of the parish with children in terms of safety and integration of children into parish life.
Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 09.19.29

“The reasons why victims of sexual violence don’t talk about what happened to them” (WEBINAR)

About the barriers that survivors of abuse - adults and children - face in telling someone about the fact of violence