Information flyers

This series of information flyers can be printed and distributed among employees or volunteers of a parish, (arch)diocese, exarchate, organisation, community, school or kindergarten. They are all about steps to protect minors and vulnerable persons from violence.

  1. Map of those responsible for receiving information about cases of sexual abuse against minors and vulnerable persons in the church environment
  2. Mandatory actions of the person responsible for accepting appeals regarding cases of sexual violence against minors and vulnerable persons
  3. Communicating with a sexually abused minor or vulnerable person or someone who wants to report such abuse
  4. Incident chain reaction: How the abuse affects the environment where it occurred.
  5. Organising safe events with the participation of children
  6. Some tricky questions.

Related resources

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Algorithm for responding to violence in the church environment

The scheme provides guidance on how to respond if the abuser is an employee/volunteer in the church, as well as a person from other fields
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“Child-friendly church. Directions for self-assessment” FORM

It can be used to analyze in detail the work of the parish with children in terms of safety and integration of children into parish life.
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“The reasons why victims of sexual violence don’t talk about what happened to them” (WEBINAR)

About the barriers that survivors of abuse - adults and children - face in telling someone about the fact of violence