Main documents regarding the abuse of minors used by the UGCC

UCU’s Child Dignity Center has translated several essential documents issued by the Apostolic See regarding protecting minors and vulnerable adults from sexual abuse in the Church environment. These documents regulate the Church’s response to cases of abuse in dioceses, congregations, church organisations, and those responsible for such responses.

The following documents have been translated:

  1. Apostolic letter in the form of the Motu Proprio “Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela” of John Paul II, which promulgates the Norms Regarding Delicts Reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (2001);
  2. Motu Proprio “Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela” norms (2001) Historical introduction;
  3. Letter from Cardinal William Levada on the occasion of the presentation of the Circular Letter to Episcopal Conferences Regarding Guidelines for Dealing With Cases of Sexual Abuses of Minors Perpetrated by Clerics (2011);
  4. Circular Letter to Assist the Episcopal Conferences in Developing Guidelines for Dealing With Cases of Sexual Abuses of Minors Perpetrated by Clerics (2011)
  5. Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio “Like a Loving Mother” (2016)
  6. Rescriptum ex audienceia SS.MI (December 3, 2019)
  7. Rescriptum ex audienceia SS.MI (December 6, 2019)
  8. Norms Regarding Delicts Reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (2021)
  9. Vademecum 2.0. On Certain Points of Procedure in Treating Cases of Sexual Abuse of Minors Committed by Clerics. (2022)

The selection is also supplemented by two documents of the local context issued by the UGCC, including security policies:

UCU’s Child Dignity Center translated the documents with the consent of the Libreria Editrice Vaticana. Theological correction of texts - Fr. Ivan Dulyba.


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