“Talking to children about the war” (WEBINAR)

In a one-hour webinar on Ukraine’s largest online education platform, “Prometheus”, the head of UCU’s Child Dignity Center, Khrystyna Shabat, discusses talking to children about the war.

The words “war” and “children” should never be used in one sentence. Yet today’s reality is different: thousands of children hear shelling, have breakfast in basements and even face death. So how to answer a child’s “What is this, Mom?”

While watching the webinar, you will learn:

The webinar is relevant to many interested parties: parents, educators, and everyone working with children.

Related resources


“A serious talk with parents about children’s safety”

The first project of the Center for Child Dignity for parents on child safety

A set of handouts from the project "Monitoring and management of sexual violence cases in different age groups in the practice of primary care physicians".

We recommend that you study them as part of our online course for physicians.
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“Sexual violence in Ukraine” (RESEARCH)

Ukraine's first study on childhood sexual abuse