Training on violence prevention and conflict resolution for teachers in Khmelnytsky region

Feb. 7, 2024, 8:17 p.m.

Employees of educational institutions watched the online course "Safeguarding. Child Safety in the Educational Environment" from the UCU Center for Child Dignity. The educators learned about the components of creating a safe environment for children, who are safe adults, the importance of appointing those responsible for the safety of children at school, the danger factors, how to recognize an abuser and protect a child.

During the webinars "Social Communication: How to Respond and Resolve Conflicts", Yuliana Maslak, a child psychiatrist and cognitive behavioral therapist, spoke about the types of conflicts between children and adults, how to resolve them, how conflict differs from bullying and how they affect children, about assertive communication and the use of "I-messages". Teachers received step-by-step instructions on how to stop conflicts and intervene in a conflict situation between children.

"Children cannot control emotions and see the long term. When a child is overwhelmed with emotions, they do not perceive rational information. He or she should first calm down and only then discuss the situation and negotiate," shared child psychiatrist Yuliana Maslak with teachers in Khmelnytsky Oblast.

The educators also received an online consultation from Anastasia Luzhetska, a teacher and methodologist and co-author of the Ptashenya curriculum. Children's Space and the author of "Instruction for Child Safety". The expert explained how to conduct classes on violence, bullying, and cyberbullying prevention contained in the manual with children of different ages, explained the features of practical exercises, and various options for classes in larger or smaller groups.

"For adults to be able to talk to children about difficult topics, how to choose the right words to explain what violence is, how to teach the basics of safety," the manual "Instruction for Child Safety" was created for adults.

Starting February 12, teachers will be able to conduct classes with students of their institutions in Khmelnytsky Oblast.

As a reminder, the "School Safety Briefings for Children " contain a set of lessons for children of different age groups: 4-6, 7-10, 11-14, and 15-18 years old, with appendices: images, coloring pages, games, and qr codes for videos. They explain the basic safety rules that children need to know to prevent violence: The swimsuit rule (parts of the body that are under a swimsuit are private), the rule of trustworthy adults (who do not do harm and to whom a child can turn for help), avoiding secrets (adults and children cannot have secrets which touches are safe and which are not, how to defend personal boundaries, say "no" to things the child does not like, where and to whom to go if personal boundaries are violated, what bullying and cyberbullying are, and how to counteract these types of violence.