13 steps towards children’s safety

The primary responsibility for protecting minors always rests with the nearby adults. However, we can provide children with essential skills to normalise their anxiety response and encourage them to seek protection when threatened.

That is why we recommend that your children learn the 13 safety steps we collected on one poster. It can be placed in a school, a room, or an organisation’s premises. But first of all, it is worth discussing these rules with the child and adults working with children. If adults follow them, it will help prevent violence, particularly sexual. Also, the rules will give the child an understanding of their limits and the ability to ask adults for help or to get out of a situation they dislike.

Here are 13 steps to help you stay safe:


Related resources

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Algorithm for responding to violence in the church environment

The scheme provides guidance on how to respond if the abuser is an employee/volunteer in the church, as well as a person from other fields
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“Child-friendly church. Directions for self-assessment” FORM

It can be used to analyze in detail the work of the parish with children in terms of safety and integration of children into parish life.
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