Map of those in the UGCC responsible for receiving reports
The issue of protecting minors was the main topic of the Synod of Bishops of the UGCC at the end of 2019. This Synod, at the call of Pope Francis in the Apostolic Letter Vos estis lux mundi, decided to create a system for receiving reports of sexual abuse in the Church environment and introduce formatting sessions for clergy, consecrated persons, and lay people on violence prevention.
Starting from 2019, at the level of each (arch)diocese/exarchate of the UGCC in Ukraine, there are:
- Appointed person(s) obliged to listen to everyone who may have suffered from sexual abuse perpetrated by clerics and representatives of the Church institution (including consecrated persons and lay people)
- A group of specialists (clergyman, psychologist, psychiatrist, canonist) tasked with providing psychological and spiritual support to the person who might have been abused and their family.
We have developed a map with the data of responsible persons at the level of each (arch)diocese/exarchate assigned to receive information about a probable case of violence against a minor or a vulnerable person.
If you know about a case of sexual abuse committed by anyone working with children or vulnerable adults on behalf of the Church, OR if this has happened to you, you can contact the number indicated in your (arch)diocese/exarchate, counting on maintaining the confidentiality of the information you provide.