Norms of behavior for children’s christian camps

All events organised for children or meant to engage them must be accompanied by qualified adults who can show empathy and provide a safe environment for the child. To guide you in how to do this, we developed the “Norms of Behaviour at Christian Camps” document for organisers, volunteers, and animators.

The norms cover the following topics:

We recommend sharing these Norms with all members of the mentors/teachers team and camp participants as part of preparations for the camp. The Child Dignity Center also offers training sessions on this topic (see details on the Opportunities page).

All participants of the camp program should feel safe.


Related resources

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Projects of the “Child-friendly church” workshop

10 videos in which parishes describe how they have arranged spaces and launched child-friendly activities
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Information flyers

Flyers on what we can do to protect minors and vulnerable people from violence