“Psychological first aid and peculiarities of communicating with victims of sexual violence” (WEBINAR)

This is the third webinar within the “Monitoring and Management of Cases of Sexual Violence in Different Age Categories in the Practice of Family Doctors” project. Specialists in psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatry will talk about the following issues:


- Mariana Franko – a psychologist, certified psychotherapist, cognitive-behavioural consultant specialising in the treatment of psychological trauma (EMDR therapy, EMDR Europe Association certificate), founder of the “Sens” psychological studio

- Yuliana Maslak – a child psychiatrist and psychotherapist, accredited in cognitive-behavioural therapy with children, adolescents and adults.

The webinar will interest primary care physicians and other professionals who may be in contact with victims of sexual violence.

The series of webinars has been prepared in partnership with the Academy of the National Health Service of Ukraine and the Child Dignity Center at UCU, with the support of the World Bank and the Embassy of Switzerland.

You can learn more about the monitoring and management of cases of sexual violence in the practice of family doctors in the training course on the Academy of National Health Service platform at https://academy.nszu.gov.ua/course/vi...

Join the project’s Instagram page docs_vs_violence

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